Friday, March 22, 2013

Eco-Tyranny: How the Left's Green Agenda will Dismantle America

Eco-Tyranny: How the Left's Green Agenda will Dismantle America by Brian Sussman (Author). Exorbitant energy costs, rolling blackouts, acute food shortages, essential water deficiencies, and private property rights usurped: that is America's future as envisioned by the environmental motion's properly-honed inexperienced agenda. To be able to de-develop the United States, the Left is using phony environmental crises to demonize capitalism and liberty, and purposefully withhold America's vast natural resources-and the Obama Administration is piloting the plan. Eco-Tyranny , by finest-selling author Brian Sussman, presents a rational strategy to responsibly harvest our nation's huge assets to be able to fulfill the future needs of a quickly rising population.

This can be a well timed book. Having a strong background in science, I can solely shake my head at the vast sum of money being poured into changing legal guidelines and into "new know-how" that isn't ready for prime time. Changing how we use power and how we manufacture isn't one thing that may be executed with a pile of money and a wish. There may be plenty of science that must be found and meanwhile, what do "carbon credits" do to your personal economic state of affairs and do they REALLY positively have an effect on the setting or is it a secret option to destroy one financial system in favor of one other?

This ebook discusses these points, from the Kyoto Conference right down to "green energy." We have seen lightbulbs go from incandescent to "energy saving" fluorescent, yet no dialogue of what mercury does to landfill and runoff, we are promoting electrical automobiles with no sufficient discussion of what occurs to the batteries, the mining for uncommon earths and using current coal plants to power the charging of those batteries and the fact that many of those vehicles are simply as polluting (if hybrid) at excessive approach speed if not MORE than say, my clear diesel, which, by the way in which, can run on biofuel.

Is the Eco Revolution a technique to make a cleaner setting, or is it a sneaky option to repress the developed nations for the purposes of disruption? This guide contends there is extra to the Eco motion than just a need to protect the environment, and actually, that is not truly the goal. That could be a controversial position that many people will find disturbing, if not downright objectionable.

I am absolutely in favor of clean air, water and preserving nature, as I understand how that pollution destroys our well being and our lives, but I'm additionally dubious of the false science and the burden placed on developed nations when scientific data is fudged or does not bear out the claims being made. Even if you happen to heartily disagree with me, you must read this e-book and see if you happen to agree or not, because it sheds a unique light. When you solely hear to 1 side of the argument, you do not get to the truth. I hearken to either side and I believe everyone ought to get more information on this lest we go down a path that doesn't accomplish a greater environment however does trigger destruction of many different kinds, whether unintended or intentional.

A wonderful explanation of the continued environmental motion, a very informative work. The e book combines historical past, scientific information, political motivations, and globalist policies in a readable/researchable format.

This book could aid the reader in "clearing the fog" of the continual move of data regarding regulatory mandates, and induced hysterics regarding the environment.
A good source of data, and very nicely written. 

Eco-Tyranny: How the Left's Green Agenda will Dismantle America
Brian Sussman (Author)
315 pages
 WND Books (April 17, 2012)

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